Rajesh Jugulum

Next Generation Data Strategy

Assignment 1 of 1:
Identifying Long-Term Improvements in Your Data Quality Foundational Capabilities

Data Quality Leaders need to create a strong foundational capability for Data Quality. 

At 18:26 in his video, Rajesh explains this (or you can view the summary slide below).

Rajesh Jugulum diagram for assignment.png

For this assignment, you will need to leverage Rajesh' presentation to develop a model for assessing your maturity against these foundational capabilities (or whichever foundational capabilities you feel are relevant to your type of organisation).

You could approach this from an enterprise level i.e. assessing maturity across the whole organisation or group. Alternatively, you could assess foundational maturity at a more granular level e.g. at a departmental level.

Useful Resources

To help with this assignment, you can study the Rajesh Jugulum presentation again and there are also additional resources found here:

  1. Data Quality Maturity Chapter: This is an online resource provided by David Loshin from his highly recommended book: The Practitioner's Guide to Data Quality Improvement

  2. A Maturity Model for Enterprise Data Quality Management: An excellent paper from Ofner, Otto and Österle that uses the EFQM Data Quality Framework as a core design mechanism for their maturity model

  3. The EFQM Data Quality Model: (Slideshare Version) | Article on Data Quality Pro | 

  4. A Data Governance Maturity ModelStanford University have created a detailed model that can be adapted for data quality quite easily, It can also illustrate how to lay out your own maturity model