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10 Reasons Why Data Quality and Data Governance Initiatives Fail
With her extensive experience in leading Data Quality and Governance initiatives in different domains, Purvi Ramchandani describes ten situations when Data Quality and Data Governance initiatives have a higher probability of failure.
How to Apply Lean Data Quality Management to Risk and Compliance Reporting
During this webinar recording, experienced Data Quality practitioner James Phare of UK based Data to Value demonstrates how a Lean approach leveraging Data Prototyping can be used to simultaneously address Data Quality issues whilst progressing wider project requirements.
How to Create a Rapid Data Quality Assessment
In this video tutorial by Dylan Jones, editor of Data Quality Pro, we learn of an effective data quality assessment strategy that was able to create high impact ‘data quality stories’ often within one day.
Data Profiling vs Data Quality Assessment – Resolving The Confusion
Data Profiling vs Data Quality Assessment - what’s the difference?
A common problem we see in data management circles is the confusion around what is meant by data profiling as opposed to data quality assessment.
How to Get Executive Buy-In for your Data Quality & Data Governance Initiatives: Featuring James Phare
How do you create traction with data governance and data quality when your organisation is wary of these initiatives due to past historical projects that didn’t live up to expectations?
Implementing an Enterprise Data Quality Initiative: Interview with Purvi Ramchandani
What is it like to lead a large data quality program in a large banking institution?
In this interview we speak with Purvi Ramchandani, Data Quality Lead at Silicon Valley Bank to learn more about her experiences and progress in delivering an enterprise data quality initiative.
How to Improve Your Data Quality Assessment Process: Laura Sebastian-Coleman
Laura has been featured on Data Quality Pro in the past so we asked members what they were struggling with and put their questions to Laura.
In this interview she goes in-depth on how to improvement measurement and assessment to help you create greater Data Quality success.
Necessity of Conceptual Data Modeling for Information Quality by Pete Stiglich
In this post, senior consultant at EWSolutions, Pete Stiglich, presents an excellent account of the importance of Conceptual Data Modeling on ensuring information quality.
Data Quality Rules: The Definitive Guide to Getting Started
The reality is that all organisations possess data quality rules but they’re typically scattered widely across the organisation with no thought to standardisation, governance and re-use.
The following resources will help your organisation buck that trend adopt data quality rules management habits and best-practices.
How to Align Data Quality and Data Governance – The Mark Allen interview
In this interview with expert Mark Allen we explore how various business and IT alignment issues impact ability to successfully execute enterprise data governance and data quality programs. Mark also provides insights for how to address these alignment issues.
23 Tips for Enterprise Data Quality Success, Featuring Jay Zaidi
Enterprise Data Quality Management – this is the ultimate data quality challenge but where do you start to manage such a vast, complex initiative?
Jay Zaidi of Fannie Mae was recently interviewed as he and his team have helped to deliver a successful Enterprise Data Quality initiative in one of the largest organisations in the world.
Data Quality Analyst Job Description: How to create a compelling data quality analyst job description
If you are on the road to data quality and governance maturity then you will need to hire a Data Quality Analyst at some point. This resource is designed to make that process painless by providing a superset of data quality skills and sections that are typically required for a Data Quality Analyst Job Description.
Measuring Data Quality for Ongoing Improvement: Interview with Laura Sebastian-Coleman
Perhaps the most critical aspect of any data quality initiative is the ability to perform effective data quality measurements so that an accurate assessment and roadmap for improvement can be sought.
To help readers gain practical insight into the methods and pitfalls of data quality assessment and measurement I asked data quality expert Laura Sebastian-Coleman to provide some insights.
Exploding the Myth of “Data is an Asset” by Patrick Dewald
In this guest post from data governance expert Patrick Dewald, we get an insiders view on some of the myths and paradoxes of data strategy. Patrick also shares insights on where organisations possibly need to refocus their efforts.
How to Create Effective Business Rules: Interview with Graham Witt
When tackling Data Quality you need to understand and manage the thousands of business rules that can exist across your organisation. In this article, expert author
ISO 8000 Certification Options with Project Leader Peter Benson
To help our readers understand how to get started Peter Benson of ECCMA was recently interviewed discussing a range of topics relating to the ISO 8000 data quality certification standard of which he is the project leader.
Misconceptions of Data Quality on Data Migration Projects, Featuring John Morris
Data migration projects have an extremely high failure rate and one of the principal causes is a lack of effective data quality management across all aspects of the project.
To help members reverse the trend of project failure we have enlisted the support of John Morris, author of Practical Data Migration, creator of the PDMv2 Data Migration Methodology, the only industry standard methodology for data migration currently available.
Data Quality Through a Metadata Strategy: Interview with Anne Marie Smith
How can you leverage a metadata strategy to advance your data quality management initiative?
Anne Marie is an accomplished data management strategist, published author, speaker, facilitator and instructor. In this interview she shares some practical insights on how to incorporate metadata into your data quality journey.
How to Deliver Enterprise Data Quality Management: Jay Zaidi Interview
What does it take to deliver an holistic enterprise data quality solution across one of the world's largest and most data intensive organisations?
In this detailed interview, Jay Zaidi provides a huge amount of practical, actionable advice for anyone looking to take their data quality initiative to the wider organisation.
Data Quality Best-Practices for Data Migration, Featuring John Morris
To help you reverse the trend of data migration project failure, Dylan Jones (editor of Data Quality Pro) and John Morris, (author of Practical Data Migration) got together to help share industry best practices around data quality within a data migration project.