Virtual Summit: Presentations
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The exclusive online summit for Data Quality and Data Governance practitioners.
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Getting in Front of Data Quality
Dr. Thomas C. Redman ‘The Data Doc’
Founder - Navesink Consulting
This fast-paced presentation crystallizes what it takes to improve data quality.
The unfortunate reality is most data quality efforts fail. But those who approach the opportunity properly, put the right people in place, and use proven methods, can produce great results, relatively quickly and easily.
This presentation covers:
Approach: Why eliminating the root causes of error is the only way to go.
What You Need to Do: Including understanding customer needs, measurement, control, and improvement.
Who Does the Work: An important first step involves getting responsibility for data out of IT. And everyone who touches data has a role to play!
Why: Bad data have always cost time and money. Lots of both. Today, as organizations seek to leverage big data and become data-driven, the costs are even greater. But subtle.
Culture: Every manager can improve data quality within his or her span of influence. Leadership is decisive.
Data Quality Requirements: How to Define Measurable Characteristics of Data
Presented by Laura Sebastian-Coleman
To manage the quality of data, you must be able to measure it. To measure it, you need to define what you mean by quality data.
This presentation outlines an approach for defining measurable characteristics based on dimensions of quality.
It also discusses the relationship between data assessment and requirements definition, and the application of criticality and risk assessment to make better decisions about what data to measure and how to measure it.

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Data Governance by Stealth: A Phased Approach to Data Governance
Presented by Chris Bradley
In this presentation, world-renowned information management expert, Chris Bradley, explores an alternative strategy for Data Governance.
Join Chris as he teaches how to ‘fly under the radar’, building your Data Governance capability in phases and aligning disparate centres of excellence to construct a robust framework and strategy for Data Governance.
Some of the topics include:
What is Data Governance – a simple definition
Why is Data Governance critical and what are the impacts of poor Data Governance?
Case studies of poor Data Governance
A framework and organisational models for Data Governance
Getting started in chunks and connecting islands of excellence
How to avoid Data Governance ‘knockout blows’
Bite-sized Data Governance: Summary
Growing and Implementing Data Governance
Presented by Dalton Cervo
In this presentation, author and expert practitioner, Dalton Cervo outlines situations where Data Governance is required and gives practical ideas for its implementation.
Topics include:
The different data structures and main categories of data
DG Focus Areas - what are they?
Horizontal vs Vertical Functions
Top-Down Data Governance vs Middle Out vs Bottom-Up
Data Governance in Decision-Making
Data Integration in MDM and discovering the Statement of Record (SOR)
CRUD management, Data Stewardship and Data Governance
Metadata Management and Data Governance
Data Quality and Data Governance
Master Data Management: Defining MDM Maturity with a Continuous Improvement Approach
Presented by Mark Allen
Common to any MDM strategy is the need to transition master data from an insufficiently managed state to a highly managed and controlled state necessary to achieve MDM goals.
Achieving MDM goals requires a well orchestrated plan and set of key milestones spanning various disciplines, practices, capabilities, and improvement areas. Capturing the essence of this as a high level, measurable program strategy is what a maturity model is for and why continuous improvement needs to be a key focus throughout the maturity process.
This presentation covers how to define an MDM maturity model, how to apply maturity measurement consistently across an MDM program, and provides examples of various maturity milestones that should be tracked. This presentation will also discuss reasons MDM maturity can hit a wall, what are maturity inhibitors, and how to maintain momentum through a well focused continuous improvement approach.
The Three Legged Stool – How Data Privacy Compliance is Supported by Data Governance and Data Quality Practices
Presented by Daragh O Brien | Castlebridge Associates
Data Privacy is a growing area of importance.
Apart from increasing international regulation (101 laws and counting), increased penalties (EU proposing 5% of turnover), and increased media coverage, customers are increasingly concerned about privacy as a quality characteristic of data-driven businesses. Add to this the growth of “Internet of Things”, Big Data, and the ubiquity of Cloud computing, and there is a complex juggling act to perform.
This session will look at the role of Data Governance principles and Data Quality practices in helping organisations of all sizes addressing their obligations under Data Protection principles and legislation.

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Top Data Governance Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Presented by Nicola Askham - ‘The Data Governance Coach’
Join this session to learn:
What not to do in your data governance initiative
What to do to overcome some of the common challenges
Tips and best practice advice to make your data governance initiative successful
Data governance is getting a reputation for being complex and extremely challenging to implement, but it need not be.
Learn from others experiences and do not repeat their mistakes. Join Nicola Askham, The Data Governance Coach, to hear about the many pitfalls that you could face, how you can deal with them and more importantly avoid altogether if you take a structured approach to your data governance initiative.
Achieving Data Quality Management Success (on a Shoestring Budget)
Presented by Dylan Jones | Co-Founder of Data Quality Pro
Implementing a Data Quality Management Strategy can be a challenging undertaking at the best of times but for a small organisation the task can seem insurmountable with limited funding, staff and technology.
In this presentation, veteran Data Quality practitioner Dylan Jones (editor and founder of Data Quality Pro), takes you step-by-step through a case study of a small organisation which was suffering extensive waste and strategic deceleration as a result of poor data quality.
Following some creative uses of existing staff and simple methodology changes, the organisation witnessed a startling turnaround.
Setting up a Data Quality Risk Management Program at your Organization
Presented by Alex Borek
Based on best practices from several industries and key insights from his book, “Total Information Risk Management: Maximizing the Value of Data and Information Assets,” Dr. Borek shows step-by-step how a data quality risk management program can be set up successfully and how data quality risks can be systematically identified and mitigated. As a result, a value tag can be put on data quality, which allows higher executive buy-in to data quality initiatives to reduce related risks.
Poor quality data often leads to major risks in all parts of an organization, affecting operational efficiency, bottom-line results, customer satisfaction and strategic decision making.
Monitoring, measuring, and quantifying how information quality impacts business objectives on an enterprise wide scale – both financially and non-financially, can become, however, a tricky task.

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Aligning Data Quality with the Business in Energy Retail
Presented by Mark Humphries
Data Quality is not an end goal in its own right. It needs to support the business.
In this presentation, Mark explains how as Data Manager for a European Energy Supplier, he established a framework and a culture for maintaining Data Quality by starting with the business model.
Because Mark started with the business and not with the data, he established a working Data Governance framework without explicitly calling it as such; an approach that he calls Data Governance by Stealth.
Using Lean Principles to Manage the Data Value Chain
Presented by Mario Faria
Creating and managing a data office is not an easy task.
The reasons for so many problems in streamlining a data strategy come from lack of data ownership, lack of a data roadmap and the data processes not clearly defined.
Using the Lean Principles that come from the Toyota Production System is one method that has been proved to be quite successful.
This session will explore how it can be done.
Making Data Quality Metrics Meaningful to Business Sponsors and Stakeholders
Presented by James Phare
How do you make data quality metrics more accessible, intuitive and relevant to a business audience?
This is the problem that experienced data quality practitioner and former Head of Information Management, James Phare, tackles in his first Data Quality Pro Virtual Summit Presentation.
James tackles a range of issues such as:
How to close the gap between what metrics a data practitioner values and the metrics a leader needs
The phases of data metrics maturity and how to move your organisation up the curve
Understanding the different types of cost and how they impact metric selection
The importance of prototyping and simulation to deliver faster value to the business

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Competing with High Quality Data – Building and Executing a Successful Data Quality Approach
Presented by Rajesh Jugulum
Because of the adverse impacts that poor quality data can have, organizations have begun to increase the focus on data quality in business in general and they are viewing data as critical assets like others such as people, capital, raw materials and facilities.
Since the data quality field is experiencing explosive growth, many companies have started to realize the importance of having a dedicated data quality (DQ) program to ensure that the data is fit for the intended purpose.
This presentation aims at outlining a holistic DQ approach that businesses can adopt to energize their DQ innovation processes, perfect their data gathering and usage practices and ensure robust and reliable data is available to make judicious decisions.
The proposed DQ approach that is based on DAIC (Define, Assess, Improve and Control) project life cycle, is a structured, systematic, and disciplined approach to ensure that we are getting satisfactory levels of data by minimizing cost of low quality data. This in turn, strikes a balance between rigor and creativity resulting in reduced DQ assessment and issue resolution times.
The presentation also includes some case studies from large organizations.
Enabling Greater Data Intelligence Through Grass Roots Data Quality Efforts
Presented by Don Jenkins
In this presentation, Don Jenkins leads you on an insightful journey of grassroots Data Quality Improvement at EnerNOC, an award-winning provider of intelligent energy management solutions.
EnerNOC witnessed incredible gains from leveraging Data Quality to help improve the performance of vital operations across the organisation.
Don provides detailed case studies on how to tackle issues such as:
Achieving quick wins but keeping the big picture in mind
Ensuring your data quality metrics resonate with the business
Maintaining momentum by winning big on smaller initiatives
Building operational data quality processes that can be handed over to Business as Usual
Massively reducing effort while increasing speed and revenue retention
Metadata Management as a Key Component to Data Governance, Data Stewardship, and Data Quality
by Dalton Cervo
For many organisations, their data landscape is one of disparate and fragmented silos, resulting in conflicting data. These conflicts cause considerable operational waste and severely limit the strategic performance of leaders.
The answer, of course, is to adopt modern attitudes and approaches to data management. However, many organisations fall into the trap of delivering disparate data management disciplines that fail to align, and so the problem repeats itself.
Metadata Management is a core method that needs to be aligned with every aspect of your Data Quality, Data Governance and Data Stewardship initiatives. In this presentation, globally recognised practitioner and author Dalton Cervo provides a detailed account of how to make this alignment a reality.

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Reaching for the Sky: The Quest for Data Accuracy
Presented by Jon Evans
Jon Evans, Information Strategist and founder of Equillian provides practical advice for measuring and managing data quality accuracy.
Key topics include:
What do we mean by data accuracy?
Techniques to help measure data accuracy
Understanding why data accuracy is so elusive
Learning how to improve data accuracy
Little Data in a Big Data World
Presented by Laura Sebastian-Coleman
In this presentation, data quality expert and author, Laura Sebastian-Coleman explores the data quality challenges in healthcare and their impact on Big Data initiatives.
Topics include:
The promise of Big Data in Healthcare
Challenges with the quality of healthcare data
Academy health examples
Science, commerce and data quality implications
Butterfly effect in data quality
Making good on promise of healthcare data analytics
Recognising and reducing variation in data quality
The Law of 80/20: How to get your CRM Data Right
Presented by Nigel Turner
In this presentation, Nigel covers:
What is the law of 80:20?
Why the 80:20 law is relevant to CRM data
What can happen if CRM data is not fit for purpose
Why problems occur with data in CRM applications
Suggestions and strategies to address CRM data issues

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It’s What’s Inside That Counts: How Your People Can Lead Your Data Governance
Presented by Charles Joseph
In this presentation Charles Joseph provides an account of how specialist insurer, Beazley, is taking a people-centric approach to Data Governance.
Charles focuses on a range of key issues that companies need to address such as:
Selling complex data governance and data quality initiatives to the business
Engaging with supporters and evangelists to gain maximum traction
Assigning roles for data governance
Understanding the exact questions you need to address in order to be successful
Creating Data Management Discipline Through Defining and Executing Data Policies
Presented by Mark Allen
In this presentation, highly respected data management expert and author, Mark Allen, shares a range of practical ideas on how to build a data management discipline through the definition, measurement, control and management of data policies.
Some of the topics include:
How to define the overall scope
The organisational structure of a data policy framework
How to track and measure data policies
Compliance tracking
How to set ownership and authority
Resourcing and budgeting requirements for your data policy
Defining and managing the lifecycle of your data policies, from planning to maintenance
Understanding Privacy Impact Assessments for Information Governance, Quality, Ethics and Success
Presented by Daragh O Brien
Managing Director of Castlebridge Associates
This session is about Privacy Impact Assessments, Ethics and Governance and how we can use or adapt existing tools and frameworks to help us address the new challenges such as GDPR that are emerging.
Daragh explores how modern architectures, such as Big Data Analytics, are impacting the privacy of consumers and regulatory directives.
Topics include:
What do we need to plan?
The curse of the mad data scientist
Examples of data quality trainwrecks
Privacy by design – the architecture required
Creating a plan for Privacy by Design and Privacy Engineering
Privacy Impact Assessments – what are they and where in the PMBOK life cycle?
The cost pyramid and the decision thresholds of a Privacy Impact Assessment
6 step approach to Privacy Impact Assessments
Data Commissioner viewpoint of Privacy Impact Assessments
FMEA – Failure Mode Effects Analysis

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Through the Looking Glass: An Analytical Approach to Targeting Data Governance
Presented by Jon Evans
When a global entertainment and media company decided they needed to start taking Data Governance seriously, one question rang out loud and clear – where do we start?
Whilst DG was recognised as an essential capability they needed to develop in order to tame their ever-growing information estate, the initial challenge came from the sheer size, scale and diversity of their business.
Where were the most serious issues currently being felt?
What capabilities did they already have that could be leveraged more widely?
How did Data Governance maturity vary across the business?
This session will explain how these questions were answered by using an innovative approach that brought together techniques from the world of data governance, business intelligence and enterprise architecture.
Becoming a Data Driven Organisation: Aligning Business & Data Strategy
Presented by Donna Burbank and Nigel Turner
In this presentation, information management experts Donna Burbank and Nigel Turner, provide a deep-dive into the practicalities of creating a data strategy that perfectly aligns to your business goals.
Topics include:
Components of a Data Strategy
The DMBOK Framework
Building an Enterprise Data Strategy
The Interdependency of Business and Data Strategy
Transforming the Business Through Data
Creating a Business Motivation Model
Case Studies: What Works in Real Life?
Roles and Culture in a Data Strategy
How to Improve Revenue Through Data Quality Management
Presented by Dylan Jones | Co-Founder of Data Quality Pro
In this case study presentation, Dylan explains his methodology for delivering a large scale data quality audit, for a major corporate organisation, with a complex data landscape of historical physical assets.
Topics Include:
Scoping the audit
Setting clear objectives
Creating the team
Sourcing the necessary technology
Methodology for performing the audit
Presenting the findings,, outcome and recommendations
Making improvements based on the audit

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How To Gain Business Buy-In for Data Governance
Presented by Nicola Askham - ‘The Data Governance Coach’
Over the past thirteen years or so, Nicola has learnt the right and wrong ways to go about gaining business buy-in for data governance.
In this presentation, she shares her best advice on the topic and shows how to articulate the benefits of data governance in a meaningful way.
Topics Include:
What is Data Governance?
Generic Benefits of Data Governance
Translating Generic Benefits into Benefits that are relevant to your organisation
Top Down or Bottom Up approach?
Creating a Conceptual Data Model
Creating and Managing Data Dictionaries
Presented by Ian Rush
In this presentation, Ian Rush draws on his extensive experience of developing and managing data dictionaries and talks us through:
Why do we need a data dictionary?
What are the benefits of data dictionaries compared with the cost involved?
What does a data dictionary look like?
How do we maintain a data dictionary?
Data Quality and the Impact on Decision-Making
Presented by Christoph Samitsch
This presentation explores the relationship between data quality and decision-making. Not only is there strong evidence that data quality influences decision-making performance, but the time it takes to make a decision may also be a variable affected by that.
Christoph shines a light on what constitutes data quality, including a focus on data quality dimensions as identified from past research efforts.
The presentation explores the decision-making process and how data quality comes into play when talking about an increase or decrease of decision-making performance. An example scenario for which this assumption could be applied is the usage of Decision Support Systems, which are often used in a professional manner or for personal purposes. As an example, Google Maps is heavily used by users as a spatial Decision Support System with the aim to make decisions more efficiently.
Finally, the presentation explores conducts research on the decision-making process and includes hypotheses the presenter has attempted to confirm. Christoph rounds this up with the main findings of his thesis and suggestions for future research.

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Next Generation Data Strategy: Practical ideas for aligning your data strategy with a corporate strategy
Presented by Rajesh Jugulum
In this presentation, data quality and Lean Six Sigma author, Rajesh Jugulum, provides practical ideas for aligning your data strategy with a corporate strategy in order to create higher levels of data quality.
Some of the topics include:
Creating an Enterprise Data Management Framework
How to align corporate requirements with data requirements
How to integrate the data quality decomposition framework into the data strategy
How to discover the functional requirements of a data strategy
The foundational capabilities of data quality
How to prioritize your Critical Data Elements (CDE’s)
Data Governance and Data Quality: A Keystone to a Successful Data Transformation Process and Strategy
Presented by Eric Callmann
In this presentation, Director of Data Operations and Strategy, Eric Callmann, walks the viewer through the Data Transformation Process of Platts and how Information Governance forms a central hub to the entire process.
Some of the topics include:
Which data quality dimensions Platts are using to ensure high quality foreign exchange data
How normalization helps extend the value of the data
The key activities of information governance at Platts
The end-to-end process of validations and checks that Platts use to ensure high quality throughout the data transformation process
ISO 8000: Part 150 as a Framework for Data Governance
Presented by Julian Schwarzenbach
ISO 8000 has gained acceptance as a preferred standard for master data quality, particularly in the field of Asset Information Management but how should organisations exploit Part 150 of ISO 8000 on their initiatives?
In this presentation, international asset data quality expert, Julian Schwarzenbach, shares his view on how ISO 8000: Part 150 can be deployed and leveraged for a wider data governance framework.
Topics include:
How to approach your data design strategy
Planning for data quality
What criteria to adopt for setting up data quality
Ideas for how to measure data quality
What to consider when improving data quality
Enhancing the standard model
Implementation considerations

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Ethics in Information Governance
Presented by Katherine O'Keefe
Castlebridge Associates
In this presentation, Katherine O’Keefe discusses:
Ethics and their relevance to Information Management Practices
Developments in new technology and how that relates to human rights and privacy
A brief overview of ethical first principles
A framework for ethics in Information Management
An overview of practical methods to align ethics with Information Governance – looking at risk management and Information Management practices
Data Quality Strategy in a Big Data Analytics World
Presented by Alex Borek
Big Data is no longer an abstract concept. It is today’s reality companies compete in.
Organizations around the world move rapidly towards capturing, integrating and analyzing data at massive scales, varieties, and at higher speeds. Structured and unstructured data is processed and infused as information insights into all key business and decision making processes in organizations.
There is a multiplicity of new technological platforms like Hadoop, NoSQL and new information architectures that support organizations to be able to handle Big Data.
But once Big Data technologies are implemented and used, companies have to think about the next important step: Making sure that the revolutionized systems and platforms deliver trusted information to business users.
The challenges are manifold, as well as the opportunities.
Applying Data Quality and Confidence in The Environment Agency
Presented by Angie Wills and Rebecca Strickland | The Environment Agency
The Environment Agency is a public sector organisation and with increasing data transparency from public bodies, data quality is taking centre stage.
This session outlines our experience of using a pragmatic approach linking data quality and confidence to impact in our outcome focused organisation. We will discuss: How we worked internally to identify and prioritise data quality and the risks when data fails to meet our expectations How we linked data quality to outcomes in an organisation that isn’t revenue driven The data quality issues we faced The benefits we realised

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Superb Data Governance is not the Outcome
Presented by Lisa Allen and Michael Rose , The Environment Agency
The Environment Agency is a public sector organisation.
This session explains our experiences of implementing data governance. We outline how we structure data governance and monitor, measure and track progress through a data management maturity model.
We show the clear linkages between good data governance and direct benefits to the end users both within and outside the organisation.
By getting governance right our data can deliver more than before.
Data Quality in Emerging Markets
Presented by Gary Allemann
Emerging markets such as those in Africa, South America and Asia present unique data quality challenges that frequently overwhelm Euro or US centric approaches and technologies.
These challenges include:
High levels of illiteracy amongst both customers and staff
Immature IT environments
Lack of standards and variety from country to country
Multilingual populations
No fixed addresses (or no standards)
and many more
These economies together represent almost 50% of the global population and present opportunities for growth that make them attractive to global businesses.
This presentation focuses on some of the unique challenges experienced in these environments by the speaker, and present strategies for dealing with these.
Destination Data Town – A (Fun) Path to Better Data Quality
Presented by Bill Florio
A key challenge for data quality leaders is ensuring the business is aware of the benefits of improved data quality and the risks of doing nothing.
In this presentation, Bill Florio talks about how a data quality initiative within Teach for America achieved a range of key benefits.
His presentation focuses on:
How to ground your employees in what data quality means and why it matters
How Teach for America addressed its data quality challenges
Creative approaches that both involve and motivate users in tackling data quality issues

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Welcome to the Data Zoo!
Presented by Julian Schwarzenbach
Director, DP Advantage
The behaviours of staff towards data can have a critical impact on the data used by an organisation. Sometimes users, with best intentions, do the craziest things with data. Our popular Data Zoo concept explores the ways that people interact with data, the good and bad points of these interactions and, most importantly, the organisational factors that influence data behaviours. The Data Zoo has been updated to reflect the latest thinking and also has had a visual make over and will form the basis of this presentation. Do you know where your Data Squirrels store their data? Do you know how to deal with Data Anarchists? Do you know why you should have a Data Evangelist?
Getting Started with the ISO 8000 Data Quality Standard
Presented by Peter Eales
As a member of the ISO 8000 standards development committee and in-demand ISO 8000 consultant, Peter has an unrivalled view on the practical implementation and application of ISO 8000 in industry.
In this presentation, Peter looks beyond the theory of data standards to share practical, actionable insights, of how to implement ISO 8000 in a commercial setting.