Alex Leigh, The Leigh Partnership
Solution Providers / Consulting and Training / Alex Leigh, The Leigh Partnership
Data Governance and Data Strategy Consulting and Training Services for Higher Education
Trusted quality data is foundational to surviving and thriving for any Higher Education Provider.
The COVID pandemic has highlighted and exacerbated the need for the right data at the right time. Mission critical decision making cannot wait for data to be found, cleaned and transformed.
Data Strategy and Governance are your foundation for data quality. Without treating data with the same focus, behaviours and priority as Finance, Staff and Building assets, this is a foundation built on sand. Most universities do not understand the totality of their data, the complex interrelationships between datasets nor the massive value lost in its mismanagement.
Successful universities increasingly are mandating sustainable trusted and quality data. This only comes by undertaking a professional approach to the management and use of your data asset.
As a data expert with over twenty years experience of designing and implementing effective and sustainable data cultures, I have developed a suite of coherent building blocks to move your data from a problem to an asset.
My understanding of the issues universities face, and my track record of solving them in a collaborative and sustainable way position me to help universities develop a healthy data culture.
“Alex understands how HE works, and can suggest how to overcome roadblocks, and avoid the pitfalls of particular approaches. His experience makes him a respected voice of authority. He is generous with his time and knowledge - and he is fun to work with”
Martin Howells, Director of Data and Insight at UCL (Interim)
“Alex has been instrumental in designing and implementing our data governance framework. He made the case for and trained our data governance manager, and guided us on how to make the framework sustainable”
Stephen Fallows, Associate-Pro-Vice-Chancellor | Planning Office | Coventry University