Matt Siomra, The MDM Coach

Solution Providers / Consulting and Training / Matt Siomra, The MDM Coach

MDM Advisory, Implementation and Coaching Services

I coach business leaders who are accountable for master data management and data strategy on how to deliver their program.

Unlike other consultants, I've played all the roles required for a successful MDM initiative.

From strategy, design and build, through to go-live, operations and support. Chances are I've encountered, and helped solve, the issues you're battling right now.

I can help you manage and reduce the complexity that is inherent to MDM transformation.

The last thing you need is a bigger, inexperienced team. I'm specialized in delivering successful data management platforms and their related initiatives. We're not a staffing agency nor seeking full-time roles.

Do you want to discuss how to avoid or break through the challenges of your MDM or data intensive initiative?

Please select an available time on my calendar that works for you (it is free!).

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“I had the wonderful opportunity to work with Matt and gain from his extensive MDM experience. As a consultant Matt provided valuable insight not only of the mechanics of MDM, but even more important was the business case development that is so critical to making the effort successful. Matt's experience and leadership were important for building the framework for MDM at Grainger and directly responsible for the success being realized today.”

Mark Bliss, Senior Manager, Customer Information, W.W. Grainger


Joanna Fulford, Fruitful Data


Alex Leigh, The Leigh Partnership